Programas y eventos

El museo alberga una variedad de eventos artísticos y culturales de inmersión para una gran variedad de audiencias. Consulte nuestra oferta de programas.

If you missed our April 2024 Virtual Parlor Chat where we discussed the Mansion’s upcoming exterior restoration and accessibility project, watch a recording on YouTube.

July 2024 George Washington Dinner



Próximos eventos


Nuestros programas

Paranormal Historical Investigations Morris-Jumel Mansion is perceived by many as a paranormal site and has attracted academics and investigators such as Hans Holzer, Zak Bagans, the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, and now you! Join our waiting list to get first notification of upcoming Paranormal Programming. Adult
Family & Community Days Join us at the Mansion for our family programming! Each second Saturday of the month from 1-3 PM, families and visitors of all ages can participate in a fun hands-on activity during our ConEdison Family Day.  Family
Virtual Parlor Chats Morris-Jumel Mansion is pleased to host a series of online chats with experts to discuss topics that explore the history of the Mansion and the neighborhood. Lectures are free with online reservation and take place on Zoom every third Wednesday of the month at 7 PM.     AdultVirtual