Virtual Parlor Chat: How is an Exhibit Made?
Have you ever wondered how museums create the exhibits for the public to see? Join Morris-Jumel Mansion staff to hear from our Family and Community Programs Manager and upcoming special exhibition Team Lead Caroline Siavichay. Caroline will give viewers insight into the world of exhibit design, how an MA in Exhibition and Experience Design informs AdultVirtual
A Taste of History: Anne Northup and Malinda Russell
Did you know that Anne Northup, wife of Solomon Northup (author of “Twelve Years a Slave”) lived and worked in the Morris-Jumel Mansion while awaiting her husband’s safe return from kidnapping? A free black woman and highly sought after chef, Eliza Jumel met Anne in Saratoga Springs and asked that Northup and her children join Adult
“Poetic Justice?”: A Celebration of Eliza Jumel in Honor of Her 250th Birthday
Eliza Jumel had a taste for poetic justice . . . so did she really hire Alexander Hamilton’s son as her lawyer when she divorced Aaron Burr? Find out—and celebrate her 250th birthday with cake and bubbly—at 2 PM on April 5 at the Morris-Jumel Mansion. Biographer Margaret Oppenheimer, author of The Remarkable Rise of Adult
Women’s History Month Kick-Off!
Celebrate women of the past, present, and future all day long at the Morris-Jumel Mansion’s Women’s History Month Kick-Off! With the price of admission to the Mansion, drop in at any time from 11:30 AM-2:30 PM to experience multiple activations throughout the house featuring a live art demonstration by Andrea Arroyo, visual artist and creator AdultFamily
Paranormal Historical Investigations (Winter/Spring 2025)
Featured on The Holzer Files, Ghost Adventures, Netflix’s Surviving Death, Haunted USA: New York, Good Day, New York, NY1, BuzzFeed, and the Today Show, the Morris-Jumel Mansion is perceived by many as a paranormal site and has attracted academics and investigators such as Hans Holzer, Zak Bagans, the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, and now you! Looking Adult
Virtual Parlor Chat: The Life and Legacy of Constance Baker Motley
In celebration of Black History Month, we are proud to spotlight a trailblazer with an incredible legacy: Judge Constance Baker Motley. Her life was filled with triumphs and trials as she rose to be one of the most prominent figures in the American Judicial System. Hear her story from Constance Royster, Esq., Judge Motley’s niece, AdultVirtual
Virtual Parlor Chats
Morris-Jumel Mansion is pleased to host a series of online chats with experts to discuss topics that explore the history of the Mansion and the neighborhood. Lectures are free with online reservation and take place on Zoom every third Wednesday of the month at 7 PM. AdultVirtual
Paranormal Historical Investigations
Morris-Jumel Mansion is perceived by many as a paranormal site and has attracted academics and investigators such as Hans Holzer, Zak Bagans, the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, and now you! Join our waiting list to get first notification of upcoming Paranormal Programming. Adult
Mansion and Grounds Guided Tour
Learn more about the Mansion’s architecture and grounds on a guided tour outside before stepping inside the Mansion for your self-guided tour. Trained guides will provide an overview to the site focusing on the home and inhabitant’s history and legacy. AdultOutdoor